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ICC Arbitration Conference

Damages in arbitration and their quantification 

At our ICC Arbitration Conference yesterday in Geneva, we were pleased to speak about damages in arbitration proceedings and their quantification.


We were honoured to welcome Prof. Pierre Tercier, Honorary Chairman of the ICC International Court of Arbitration, who introduced the topic. The first panel was moderated by Carole Malinvaud and hosted by Zelda Hunter, Philippe Baertsch and Vanessa Liborio. The different concepts of damage under civil law and common law, liquidated damages and requirements of causality were profoundly analysed and vividly discussed.


The second panel was moderated by Anne Véronique Schlaepfer with enlightening presentations from an expert-, counsel and arbitrator-perspective by Thomas Voisin, Ryan Shalabi and Zachary Douglas. A spotlight was put on „assumptions“ in expert reports and the distinction between lawyers‘, experts‘ and arbitrators‘ duties when it comes to quantum issues.


The substantive part was followed by a cocktail reception which offered a perfect opportunity to discuss the topics in a more convivial way.


A very warm thank you to all participants and a special thanks goes to our sponsors Python, Schellenberg Wittmer and White & Case for their precious support!